Many people spend their whole lives earning income, investing their money, and purchasing property to make sure that they have accumulated enough wealth to take care of themselves and their families. As we get older, many of us start thinking about passing on some or...
Month: February 2023
What is a “living will” and why do you need one?
A comprehensive estate plan is typically composed of a number of different documents. A will, power of attorney documents, trusts—these, among others, may be a part of any given estate plan. These types of estate planning documents come into effect due to varying...
What are the steps to become a naturalized citizen?
There are millions of people in America—and, indeed, probably around the world—who desire to become naturalized citizens of the United States. However, our readers in Florida who are familiar with our previous blog posts here and other materials on our website...
The importance of estate planning
Many assume that estate planning is only for older or wealthier individuals. In fact, there are multiple reasons that estate planning is important for any adult. Protect your beneficiaries Among the most important reasons for estate planning is to protect those who...
What can I do if I lose my Green Card?
As any lawful permanent resident knows, a Green Card is an incredibly important document. Also known as an LPR card, the Green Card serves as official evidence of a person’s lawful permanent resident status in the United States. Federal law requires lawful permanent...