When Florida residents die without a will, their estate must go through the probate process. As part of this process, a personal representative is appointed. A personal representative is typically a close family member, but it may also be an institution, such as a...
Month: January 2022
The basics of family-based immigration
Separation from family members is difficult, especially when the family members are living overseas. It is common for a family member to leave their country for another in search of a better life, with the intention of bringing the rest of their family over once they...
Obtaining a temporary work visa
Many citizens of foreign countries have a temporary need to reside in the United States and to perform the functions of their jobs while in the U.S. To accommodate these workers, the State Department has created temporary visas to accommodate these workers. The visas...
Appeals from adverse immigration decisions
The United States Immigration Service makes many decisions about requests from would-be immigrants for citizenship, temporary work status, finance visas, and other requests that can affect a person’s life for many years. Most decisions on requests for immigration...