Trump’s strict stance on immigration is pushing local police agencies to arrest foreign nationals for the slightest of offenses, including certain traffic offenses. If you are arrested and convicted of a crime and receive probation/community service as your penalty,...
Month: January 2018
Removal of Conditions Process Gets More Difficult for Couples
The Trump Administration has put new rules in place related to Removal of Conditions for Lawful Permanent Residents who obtained their greencard based upon a marriage of two (2) years of less. In the past, where a couple stayed together, had sufficient documentation...
Naturalization and Delinquent Taxes
In order to qualify for naturalization, an applicant must have paid taxes and filed taxes as required by law during the entire time he or she resided in the United States. For someone who fails to file and has no valid excuse, this can prevent naturalization. For...
Employment Cards and Issuance of Social Security Cards
The immigration and social security offices now permit applicants to obtain both an Employment Card and their Social Security Number at the same time. This is great news, as in the past, applicants had to wait for the Employment Card then present themselves in person...