Just recently on the blog we discussed drastic rate hikes for many immigration fees that were set to begin on October 2nd. These fees were bound to have a profound impact on those seeking various immigration statuses, everything from citizenship to asylum. Those who were to be subjected to these new fees could have faced hundreds of dollars in additional expenses. For those with limited financial means, these fees would have meant that they were unable to obtain the immigration status they wanted.
Federal Court stays the fee increases
Fortunately, a federal court in California as issued an injunction preventing the fee increase for taking effect for the time being. Officials with the USCIS have stated that they will continue to accept applications with the lower fees while the injunction is in place. The judge halting the fee increases found that they would put vulnerable populations in danger and prevent low-income individuals from applying for immigration status.
The relief could be short-lived
The Trump administration has 60 days to appeal the ruling from the date it was issued. If the decision is appealed, then there’s the very real possibility that the fee hike could be re-implemented. What does this mean for you and your loved ones? It means that you should take advantage of the current lower fees now if at all possible, especially if cost is a factor that could ultimately stop you from obtaining the immigration status you or your loved ones want and need.
Be prepared to deal with your immigration issues
There are, of course, a lot of complications you could face when dealing with your immigration issues. There’s simply too much at risk to not have the best representation possible when dealing with these issues. For that reason, you might want to seek out assistance from a legal professional experienced with immigration law who can help you confidently navigate the U.S. immigration system.