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USCIS naturalization fees to rise by $500

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2020 | Immigration |

Residents of Tampa and other areas in Florida may be interested in reading this article regarding the raising of the fee for naturalization by the present administration. This is a dramatic increase over the past fees. Additionally, there is now a fee, for the first time, for those seeking asylum in the U.S..

Immigration activists are not happy

Policy changes in regard to immigration under the present administration have brought the anger of activists. In addition to the activists, lawmakers and union members of the agency itself are unhappy with recent policies.

Tremendous increase

According to CNNpolitics, the fee for naturalization applications is rising by more than 80 percent. After reviewing the fees for nearly nine months, USCIS, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, made the new fees final. The cost of the applications for naturalization is rising from $640 to $1,160.

The agency has also raised the fee for asylum seekers to $50. USCIS has been facing budget problems, and the new fees are to help the agency.

One good decision

DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals will have a proposed $275 renewal fee removed for DACA recipients. However, it was announced earlier that new applications will not be accepted.

Help with naturalization and more

If you need assistance with naturalization for yourself or your family, an attorney versed in immigration law might be of valuable help. They know the laws relating to becoming a citizen and might aid you in making the path smoother. You might need help with a visa or green card; it is wise to know the restrictions and application process with the help of a lawyer. You might be involved in the removal process, which was formerly called deportation, through no fault of your own. It is best to contact an attorney who knows immigration law.